The Truth as Written

Roman Empire Lives
Roman Empire Lives

THE ROMAN EMPIRE LIVES; In The Catholic Church

This is an overview of how the Roman Empire maintained its traditions as they formed the Catholic Church.  There is insight how many of the practices that are a part of the Catholic religion, still in use today, come directly from ancient pagan Roman religions.  Many of the teachings that come from the Catechism are contrary to biblical scripture.  Even though the Empire no longer exists, many of its tradition still live.

This book is no longer in print.  Used copies may be found on Amazon and other book seller's websites.



GOD'S DINOSAURS; A Biblical Study

The dinosaurs are an important part of evolutionary teaching.  However, they are not a part of the traditional religious Creation Story we teach and believe.  God created everything.  We know the dinosaurs once existed.  Knowing all scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16), and the book of Genesis tells us of the creation, an inevitable question is raised among the youth.  What does the Bible say about the dinosaurs.  The definitive answers are within. 

This book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple itunes.

Trinity Cover
Trinity Cover


2 Timothy 3:16 tells us doctrine of the church is one of the things we profit from the inspired Word of God.  If an idea is to be taught as a Christian doctrine, there should be scripture that directly states the concept.  The doctrine of the Trinity is a pagan concept that was inserted into Christian religious teaching after the Roman Empire accepted Christianity as the official religion of the Empire.  Certain verses of scripture have been chosen to justify the teaching.  However, no scripture makes a statement of the concept outright.  The truth is within.

This book is available on Barnes& and Amazon.

About the Author

Me 2
Me 2

     Allen is a Spirit led teacher of God's Word.  His ministry territory has been expanded beyond the rudimentary re-teaching of traditional Bible stories.  Over the centuries man's egos, traditions, and desires have affected how scripture is translated, interpreted, and taught.  Allen's God given ministry (Ephesians 4:11 And He Himself gave some to be… teachers,) is to help lead GOD's people back to the understanding of HIS Word the way HE inspired it to be written.

     Allen was born and raised in Detroit.  He attended Grambling State University and was a member of the world-renowned Grambling Tiger Marching Band.  Allen has been married over 40 years and has two children and two grandchildren (all girls).  He is happily retired from his secular teaching career, which came after his career as a Chef, which came after his music career.  Allen has used all of his skills in service to God.  He is now full steam ahead in his career as a Christian Author.

     During his time in the dueling disciplines of religious and secular education, the Holy Spirit opened Allen’s eyes to the things that cause confusion among young believers.  To address the confusion of the youth, he has been led to first address the re-teaching (Hebrews 5:12) of adults.

     Have your Bibles ready as Allen is leading you to read scripture the way the Spirit of Truth is leading him.  He serves GOD and HIS people as an ordained Deacon inside the church house.  He is being obedient to GOD's will outside of the church walls with his writing.