We often make an error in religious teaching that interferes with our ability to see the truth when we read the Bible. We are taught nice Bible Stories as children. When we grow up to read the Bible as adults, we read into scripture (eisegesis) what we were taught as children. That is the very case with the “Adam and Eve first” creation story.
The God inspired record of the creation, as given to Moses, is told in the first chapter of Genesis. Adam and Eve are not a part of that first chapter story. When “God created man” in verse 1:27, that was not a single individual. The Hebrew term ”hā-’ā-ḏām” (הָֽאָדָם֙) can also be translated mankind. That understanding is what allows the term to be read as a plural, and be in agreement with the plural term “them”. Notice also He created them male and female. In the single action, God created both male and female of the species man. It does not say the male was created, then the female was made from the male.
When plant life was created on day three (vs. 11-12), all varieties were created. When the sea life and fowls were created on day five (vs. 20-21), all varieties were created. When the land animals were created on the first part of day six (vs. 24-25), all varieties were created. When mankind was created (vs. 26-27), it stands to reason they were created in the varieties of races. That is the only explanation for the vast variety we see today. The confounding of language at the Tower of Babel cannot explain it. By the time of Noah’s family (the flood) the gene pool would have been great.
So where do Adam and Eve come into the picture? The key is in the understanding of the Greek word
“toledoth” that is translated “generations” (KJV) in verse 2:4. (history in
NKJV) First, we must remember God’s act of creation was complete after the
creation of man (vs. 2:1-3). That,
however, does not mean He stopped making things from the material he had
The term “toledoth” (תוֹלְד֧וֹת , ṯō-wl-ḏō-wṯ) is used when
discussing the genealogies of a family.
In the Old Testament it is used to distinguish people who were in the
lineage of Jesus. An important point is
that it does not necessarily signify the first born.
The most obvious example is the generations of Adam (5:1). We all know Cain and Able were the first born of Adam and Eve (4:1-2). Yet, when the generations of Adam was the topic, Seth was the son named (5:3). There can be no question about birth order because scripture states Seth replaced Able (4:25). Just as Seth was the son named in the generations of Adam but was not the first born, so was Adam the one named in the generations of the Earth but was not the first man.
How can we know this to be true? The chronologies and methods of creating and making are different between chapters one and two. The creation of life in chapter one happened in this order: plant life (day 3); sea life and fowls (day 5); land animals (1st half of day 6); man, male and female together (2nd half of day 6). The order in chapter two is: plant life (before they were in the ground (vs 5); Adam only (vs 7); plants were planted in the garden (vs. 8); land animals and fowls (vs 19); Eve (vs. 21-22). Remember again, God inspired Moses to record this historical text after all these events had happened.
In chapter one, both the plants and land animals were brought forth from the ground. In chapter two the garden was planted, and the land animals were formed from the ground. In chapter one the fowls were created with the sea life. In chapter two the fowls were formed with the land animals. I chapter one that land animals were created before mankind. In chapter two the male was formed, then the animals, then the female. In chapter one mankind, male and female, were created together. In chapter two Adam was formed from the ground and Eve from Adam.
Knowing Moses was given both chapters to record, from the same single source, GOD (2Timothy 3:16), there would not be differences if chapter two was a restatement of all, or part, of chapter one. Non-believers use the differences to say the Bible has contradictions. It does not. The two chapters are two separate accounts of actions taken by God. Notice, the sea life was not repeated in chapter two. The bottom line: Chapter two of Genesis is not a restatement of chapter one and Adam and Eve are not the male and female of the species man (mankind) who were created in chapter one.
{For a more thorough discussion on the subject, you may purchase my book God’s Dinosaurs; A Biblical Study}
That is an often-asked question. The direct answer is “NO”. The two chapters are records of two different accounts. The traditional, ”Adam and Eve first”, creation story causes certain scripture to appear contradictory. Despite the number of centuries that story has been told, it is not accurate to what is actually written.
When the traditional Creation Story is taught, the claim is made that chapter 2 is a more detailed restatement of chapter 1. That explanation is what allows the noticeable differences to be described, by skeptics and n0n-believers, as contradictions. Then some believers try to excuse the differences by saying the two chapters serve different purposes. We must remember, Moses was recording, at God's direction (2 Timothy 3:16), a series of historical events. He was not an eyewitness. There was no reason for God to restate the events of chapter one (day 6) as He dictated chapter 2.
When chapter 2, verse 4, states, "These are the generations of the heavens and of the Earth...", That is beginning of a new story. That is why chapter 2 has differences from chapter one. The term ‘tôledôth’, which is translated 'generations'. does not necessarily mean the first, or first born. The most obvious example is when the 'generations' of Adam is mentioned (5:1). The son named is Seth (5:3) although we know he was not the first born of Adam and Eve. People do not want to accept the truth that Adam and Eve are not the male and female created in 1:27. We see ourselves as the descendants of that couple (through Noah). So, our egos want them to be the ones who were made in God's image. Of course, there is nothing that says God did not use the same design and image when He formed Adam and made Eve in chapter 2. That raises the question, could all of the races of humans be the descendants of this one couple? The variety of races was a part of the creation of mankind in 1:27.
The events described in chapter 2 are not the first events in the creation story. The plants that were made before they were in the ground (2:5), and later planted in the Garden of Eden (2:8), were not the sane plant that were brought forth from the ground (1:12). The animals that were formed from the ground (2:19) were not the animals that were brought forth from the ground (1:24). The fowls that were formed from the ground with the land animals (2:19) could not have been the same fowls that were brought forth from the water (1:21) with the sea creatures. Notice, there is no mention of the sea creatures in chapter 2.
When the first two chapters of Genesis are read as God inspired Moses to write them down, there are no contradictions. They are simply two different stories of two different accounts. Adam and Eve were not the first humans created by God. The traditional creation story is not accurate to what is written and must be set aside.
Genesis 1”24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air...
Contrary to traditional creation teaching, chapter two of Genesis is not a restatement of Chapter one, day six. The two verses above are evidence of that. The animals in chapter one were created by the power of God’s speaking. In chapter two it was by the action of God forming them that the animals were made. The common teaching, based on chapter one, is that everything was spoken into existence (except man). It is obvious verse 2:19 does not fit that pattern.
In chapter one God spoke for the land to “bring forth” the land animals (vs. 24) “and it was so”. The term that is translated “bring forth is totzei (תֹּוצֵ֨א , to·v·tze). That term means ‘to go or come out’. The use of the term expresses a cause. That cause was God speaking and making them “come out” of the ground. It is important to note, these creatures were created living.
The animals of chapter two were formed (yatsar, וַיִּצֶר֩) from the ground (vs. 19) just as Adam had been in 2:7. The term expresses the action of molding into a form, especially as a potter. After Adam was formed, he had to receive the “breath of life” to become a living soul. The formed animals would have needed, and received, the same breath. This is verified in Ecclesiastes 3:19-20. 19“…All have the same breath; humans have no advantage over animals….”20”…all come from dust, and to dust all return…” These are not the same animals of chapter one that were living when they were brought forth.
The traditional ‘Adam and Eve first’ creation story does not include the dinosaurs. Yet, we know they once existed. Now that it is shown the animals of chapter two are different from the animals of chapter one, the dinosaurs can be included in the true creation story. The group that was brought forth from the ground (Ch, 1) were the dinosaurs. The group that was formed from the ground (Ch. 2) are the animals we see today. They were the animals taken aboard the Ark.
More evidence of the two groups being different is in the fowl of the air. The Pterodactyls, Plesiosaurus, and other flying dinosaurs were created with the sea life (1:20-21). The Blue Jay, Robin, Sparrow, and other modern birds were formed with the land animals (2:19). Because the sea life and land animals were not created together in chapter one, there is no way to say the formed fowls of chapter two are the same as the fowls of chapter one.
Why do we not have dinosaurs today. The dinosaurs, who were living when they were brought forth, were not taken aboard the Ark. Only animals from the ‘formed’ group (2:19), who had the breath of life were taken aboard the Ark.
Genesis 7:15
טו וַיָּבֹאוּ אֶל-נֹחַ, אֶל-הַתֵּבָה, שְׁנַיִם שְׁנַיִם מִכָּל-הַבָּשָׂר, אֲשֶׁר-בּוֹ רוּחַ חַיִּים.
(Tu and Yabao al-Noah, al-Taba, years and years of all the flesh, in which the spirit of life is breathed.)
And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh wherein is the breath
of life.
The dinosaurs did not have “the breath of life”.
Three things to remember. (1) The term “dinosaur” wasn’t coined until the middle of the 19th century. That is why you will not find it in the Bible. (2) Moses was recording a historical text at God’s inspiration when he penned Genesis. There would have been no need to restate an event or a day. (3) The book of Ecclesiastes was written well after the flood. Therefore, verse 3:19 refers only to the animals saved aboard the Ark.
The traditional ‘Adam and Eve first’ bible story must be set aside if you are to see the truth of what is actually written in God’s Word. God formed from the ground the modern animals who received the breath of life, and were saved aboard the Ark, in chapter two verse 19. He spoke to have the ground bring forth the living DINOSAURS in chapter one verse 24.
For more detail read “God’s Dinosaurs; A Biblical Study”.
Before we
can have a biblical discussion involving the dinosaurs and the Ark, we must be
able to first show, biblically, that God created the dinosaurs. Despite the fact they are not specifically mentioned
in the traditional creation story, a careful study of scripture reveals they
are in the true biblical creation story.
Verses from Genesis chapters one and two must be read, and understood,
as they are actually written. Note:
Chapter two is not a restatement of chapter one, day six. We will look at the verses in both chapters
that describe the creation and formation of land animals and fowls (birds). That is where the dinosaurs will be revealed.
In chapter one the fowls were created before the land animals and with the sea life.
Genesis 1:20-23 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living [e]creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the [f]firmament of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
In the discussion of the dinosaurs, the fowls (birds) are the focus of this passage. Things to notice: These birds were created the day before the land animals. They were created with the sea life and were created living.
The land animals of chapter one were also created living, and were created before man.
Genesis 1:24-25 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Things to notice: These animals were created as “living creatures”. As indicated earlier, they were created the day after the fowls of the air.
Repeating very significant points in distinguishing the dinosaurs from modern animals. The birds and land animals were not created together (a day apart). Both groups were created living. In chapter one the girds and land animals were created before man. In chapter two they were both formed after Adam.
Before we get to the animals of chapter two, we should be reminded about the formation of Adam.
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (soul).
It is important to notice this man (Adam) was not living when he was first formed. He had to receive the “breath of life” from God to become a “living soul”. This model was repeated with the chapter two animals.
In chapter two, the fowls (birds) and land animals were formed together.
Genesis 2:19 Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air,…
Just as Adam had been formed from the ground, so were this group of animals formed from the ground. Just as Adam needed and received the breath of life to become a living soul, these animals would have needed and received the same breath. This is verified in Ecclesiasts 3:19-20. “For what happens to the sons of men also happens to animals; one thing befalls them: as one dies, so dies the other. Surely, THEY ALL HAVE ONE BREATH; man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity. 20 All go to one place: all are from the dust, and all return to dust.”
Recap: The land animals that were brought forth from the Earth as living creatures are not the same land animals that were formed from the ground and received the breath of life. The fowls that were created with the sea life are not the same birds that were formed with the land animals. What we know scientifically: Dinosaurs once existed. We have found their bones. The fossil record shows a gap when new species appeared suddenly. They did not evolve. It is called the Cambrian Explosion. Putting it together: The land animals that were brought forth from the ground living, and the birds that were created with the sea life were the dinosaurs (T-Rex, Pterodactyl, etc.). When God formed the land animals and birds from the ground, and gave them the breath of life, He created What we call the Cambrian Explosion. These are the animals and birds we see today (horse, lion, robin, blue jay, etc.).
Now that we have shown, scripturally, that God created and made two different groups of land animals and birds, we can show God did not choose to have the first group, the dinosaurs, abord the Ark. It is simple. The Bible tells us very specifically which animals were taken on the Ark.
Genesis 7:15 And they went into the ark to Noah, two by two, of all flesh IN WHICH IS THE BREATH OF LIFE.
The dinosaurs did not go into Noah into the Ark because God did not choose to save them. That answer may seem too simple for most. We have been taught all animals that ever existed were created on day six. We are then told two of every kind of animal was taken aboard the Ark. We have shown here the Bible does not actually say that. Because the dinosaur, who were created living, did not have the breath of life, they simply were not among the animals God decided to save.
In an effort to justify the traditional teaching, religious teachers have created a scenario for how the dinosaurs died that contradicts scripture and discounts the powers of God. One of the most common explanations for the dinosaur’s extinction is ‘they died after leaving the Ark’. The story says the environment had changed in such a way that the dinosaurs could not adapt. But the reason God chose to have animals board the Ark was to save them.
Genesis 6:19-20 And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, TO KEEP THEM ALIVE with you; they shall be male and female. 20 Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you TO KEEP THEM ALIVE.
To say the dinosaurs could not adapt to the changes in the environment is saying God was not able to do what He said He wanted to do; keep them alive. That is the stated purpose for taking animals aboard the Ark. If God wanted the dinosaurs to be alive, they would still be with us today. Unfortunately, most religious teachers are so focused on contradicting evolutionary explanations they do not realize they are also contradicting scripture.
The dinosaurs were not chosen to be saved. Thus, they died in the flood. That is THE TRUTH AS WRITTEN.
You should read “God’s Dinosaurs; A Biblical Study”.